I am new to blogging and I have been reading blogs and comments and I wondered what somethings meant and the other day the light bulb came on and I get it. The things I didn't get were the little smiley faces. I have seen this one :) but not the other creative ones like :D and =D and ;D. I guess the D confused me and I thought it was some kind of inside code for something. I admit I am a huge dork. But like I said I get it now it just took me a while.
Lol, thats okay, we're all dorks sometimes! And sometimes the faces look like someone is trying to say something in a secret code or something. lol, like: xD, x), ._., =B, -_-;, -_-, =F, O_o, o.o, =F, ^.^, ^_^, ^-^, etc, etc etc...
rofl, that is funny. You never told me you didn't understand what they ment. but that's okay, we still love you.
rofl, is new to me too but I do know what it means!!!
You are so sweet!
hehehe I think your cute it took me a few times of seeing them to get it too so your not alone. Love You, Sister Charlene
I'm so glad someone else is as clueless as me! For the longest time I didn't get the abbreviations people would write on their posts. LOL, TTYL, ROFL... Even after my kids explained it and I still sent ROLF in a text the other day. At least it was my Son and he already knows I'm a dork!
After you learn all the smiley faces, then you need to learn 'leet' speak!
1 4m 50 h4ppy y0u h4v3 |34rn3d 5m1|3y f4c35!
1 @|\/| $0 |-|@|*|*`/ `/0|_| |-|@\/3 |3@|2|\|3[) $|\/|1|3`/ |=@(3$!
(Translation: I am so happy you have learned smiley faces!
Ok now I am really confused! :)
Oh No Now what is that going to do to me.I can only speak backwards.
Bro.Phillip now you have to hold a class for all us DORK's
Sis Stubby: That would be fun! I'm currently teaching a class of 5 Microsoft Excel where I work. It's been fun, I refer to them as my young Excel Padawans, they always get a kick out of that haha =)
lol your not a dork it just takes time to learn all these new little tricks to save time and bro.phillip it took me alittle bit to figure out the whole code but i think i got it hehe
I guess i'm now a dork to, because what Bro. Phillip just wrote really confused me. I know it doesn't take much, but still.
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