Friday, May 30, 2008

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Well today I have been getting my house ready for the brethren that are coming to stay with me this weekend. I am really excited. Tomorrow is the 50th Wedding Anniversary party that we have all been working on. I have pretty much got my house work done and now I have to start working on potato salad for around 100 people. I love preparing food for my brethren so I am kind of looking forward to it. We also have Chelsea's open house for her graduation this weekend too so we are going to be very busy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Flower Pictures

These are the flowers that Johnny and Jada got me for our anniversary. Jada picked the purple ones because she knows that purple is Mommy's favorite color.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Our Story!

Today is our 7th anniversary so I will share the story of how we got together. The Stubby's moved in down the street from me when I was 11 years old and soon after that I started meeting their family. I am sure that I met Johnny before but the first time I noticed him was when we were about 14 and I secretly had a crush on him. I think that he had just gotten baptised and I was not even going to church at that time. Well time went on and when I was about 16 I started going to church pretty regular with Sondra and her family and soon the three of us me, Johnny and Sondra started hanging around each other. I was crazy about him but I would never tell him because that just wasn't my way, I would let him make the first move. Well I was baptized when I was 17 and we were all still really close. My home life wasn't the greatest and we did kind of drift apart for a while. I graduated high school a year before him and we kind of went a summer and didn't really talk much. Well Sondra moved out of state for a while and I was really upset about her going and I thought that I would be really lonely but before she left she told Johnny that I needed his friendship really bad and when she left we started doing things together. We would go to my Grandma's house or to the Stubby's on the weekends and just visit and it seemed like we were always together. But friends is all that we were. I was beginning to give up on the idea that we would ever be anymore than that and one night I was driving home from my Grandma's house and before I got in the car I prayed that if it was meant for me to hold on and wait for him to reveal his feelings to me that a certain song would come on the radio. Well I got in the car and started driving and second guessing having prayed this way because I thought I was being silly. I turned that radio on and that song was on the radio so I knew that the Lord was working things out and one day we would be together. Sondra moved back home and we were all still really close but I noticed that Johnny was calling me now directly and Sondra was no longer the middle man between us. Probably a few months later we were at the Stubby's house sitting on the couch and Johnny took my hand and with is finger traced the words I Love You, Marry Me in my hand. Well I just about had a heart attach because remember we were just friend and never had even dated. Well it was late in the evening when this happened so I (still being in shock) got up and went home. I called my mom and told her that I thought that Johnny had asked me to marry him. She laughed and said what do you mean you Think! Well I relayed the story to her and told her I was going to find out what was going on tomorrow. So the next day I told him I needed to hear these words come out of his mouth and of course we talked about our feelings and we were married 4 months later. We were 20years old. He was waiting on the Lord to tell him when the time was right and I am so glad that he did because so far we have had a beautiful marriage and I hope to have many more years together.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Day!

I feel like I have lost a whole day! I woke up this morning with a migraine and really couldn't do much at all today just the necessities (taking care of the kids). But it did get better about 12:00 I talked to Johnny at work and he told me to try to get some rest and I was kind of joking and said well you could come home and I can go to bed and he said yeah maybe. I really didn't think he would be able to come home but a little while later he was coming in the door. I was very thankful because we had a Lord's Supper and Foot Washing tonight and I really wanted to get some rest so I would be able to make it. I was in bed by 1:15 and slept until around 4:00 and when I got up I was much better. Praise God!!!! I was able to go to church and I was so thankful. Also my kids were good in church and I know that is only by the grace of God and nothing of myself. I have been really praying that the Lord would help me to teach them to do better and church and tonight I felt like things are getting better. Also while I was in bed Johnny and Jada went out (JoHannah was sleeping too) and got me an anniversary gift I got 2 pots of flowers one he picked out and one Jada picked out. He also got me a really sweet card and a bouquet of flowers. I will try to post some pictures later but I didn't get around to taking any today. Monday is out 7th wedding anniversary. Sis. Stubby says I should post our story so maybe sometime this weekend I will sit down and share that with you all. But until then I hope everyone has a safe and happy Holiday weekend!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm a DORK!

I am new to blogging and I have been reading blogs and comments and I wondered what somethings meant and the other day the light bulb came on and I get it. The things I didn't get were the little smiley faces. I have seen this one :) but not the other creative ones like :D and =D and ;D. I guess the D confused me and I thought it was some kind of inside code for something. I admit I am a huge dork. But like I said I get it now it just took me a while.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I have been so tired this week especially the last two days. I am sitting here reading every ones blogs and I can hardly hold my eyes open and it is 1pm. I don't know what is wrong with me. I thought it may be the rain but today is a sunny day maybe I need to get out in the fresh air. I am so thankful that spring is here I just wish it would stop raining for a few days or I will never get flowers planted and my garden out. Enough rambling I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend and I must say again how I am so thankful for these blogs.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Needing Some Advice?

OK well I guess I am going to tell on my self a little and hopefully I will get some good advice to help me with this situation. My daughter is a little on the spunky side. She has a very strong will and she is very determined. She is not always well behaved although I don't think that she is a terrible child I think that she just likes to test her boundaries. Well anyway some one has told me a few time how I have my hands full or I am going to have my hands full with her and this kind of hurts my feelings and even makes me a little mad. I feel like they are saying that she is a heathen or something. Maybe I shouldn't be so sensitive. I am trying with her and she is learning. I just think that she trys things out to see what she can get away with. I thought this was normal for children her age. I would love some pointers or advice on how to handle this with my daughter and for myself.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well we bought another car. I am very thankful that we were only a few days without a vehicle and that we had brethren willing to drive us around or let us use their cars. I feel so blessed, in the past couple weeks we have had some trials but the Lord and prevailed and we have come through them just fine. Thank You God for that. Just another blessing Sunday, Jada my 3 year old was having some problems going potty. When she would sit on the potty she would try to pee and she would start crying and just jump down like she was in severe pain. I was really worried about it she did this about 4 times that day. Well we went to visit The Stubby's and we were getting ready to leave and I was changing her into her pajamas and Sis Sondra asked her if she wanted Bro Stubby to pray for her and Jada said yes, so he took her on his lap and him and Sis Stubby both prayed for her and when she woke up the next day she was better and hasn't complained about it since. The Lord truly answers prayer and I am so thankful for God's mercy and for the brethrens willingness!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Car Accident cont.....

Here are a few pictures of the truck we were driving yesterday. The Lord has truly blessed us, if we were in a small car we would have been in trouble. We still need prayer in buying another car we want to get what the Lord would have us to get!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Car Accident!

Today Johnny and I had an appointment down town. We were on our way home and we were in the turn lane and when we got the green light we went to turn and a woman ran through the red light and smashed right into us on the drivers side. Thank God we were fine. I was worried about the other driver we thought that maybe she was blacked out or had a medical condition because she didn't swerve or hit her brakes or anything. After she hit us she didn't even stop she ran into the middle median and hit a sign. It was all really scary but I truly felt the hand of God with us. There was a state police officer right behind us in traffic and he said that the lady in the other vehicle was unconscious. But when they put her in the ambulance she was awake so that made us feel a lot better about her. We are pretty sure that our truck is totaled because when my husband went to get out of the car all the oil was leaking out and the and the front bumper on the drivers side was pushed back behind the tire. When I tried to get out on the passengers side the door wouldn't open because it had pushed the front end over. I am so thankful that the Lord was with us and it was no worse than what it was. I am also thankful that my girls were here at home with there Grandma and not with us!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dinner With An Old Friend!

Tonight we went to dinner with an old friend of mine and her parents. My friend Jennifer and I have been friends for 20years (since 1st grade). She called tonight and asked me if I wanted to go to a pizza place we introduced her to a few weeks ago when she was in town. It was really good to see her and her parents, I haven't seen them since her wedding nearly 7 years ago. What is so funny is that after we finished dinner her Dad asked me if I ate spaghetti with red sauce on it now. Of all things he remembered that when I was younger I was a really picky eater and I would only eat my spaghetti with butter on it. This really made me laugh that he would remember such a thing. I told him that i am no longer such a picky eater and I do eat my spaghetti with sauce on it now. Its is funny the things that people remember:).

Friday, May 2, 2008

A Night Out!


I know that this may not seem like much but I am really excited. Me and Johnny are going out to dinner and a movie tonight. It has been awhile since we have had the oppurtunity to go out together just the two of us. We are going to see the new Ironman movie (his choice). I really don't mind what we see I am just excited for the alone time. I wouldn't trade my kids for the world but sometimes I find myself in the real need for an adult converstion. We have been so busy lately and haven't really had the extra money to do anything but I think that is what makes it a little more special now is becasue we haven't been out in a while. Well enough of my ramblings. I will try to post later about how the movie is.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I would like to have a different template and I was wondering if there is some where else to look for a bigger selection?????