Friday, July 24, 2009


I guess i will probably just be rambling. I have kind of been in a funk lately. Funk is the only word that I can think of that describes the way that I feel. I have such a beautiful life a good family and the Love of God what more could a person want right. I am blessed with 2 beautiful children. I am not really sure how I have gotten to this point. I think that my blood pressure is up and I feel like my blood is boiling all the time. I am sure that it is just a trial but I will surly be glad when it is over and I hope that I come out on the other side stronger in the Lord. I was talking to an older sister today about all of this and she really had some good advice. I realized that I don't go to God with things that I should. I also have realized that I just plain do not pray enough. These are all things that i can fix with the help of God and I hope that with a lot of prayer and reading the Word that I will be able to get through this time in my life. I need to slow down and enjoy my children while they are small and I need to be thankful for the things that I have and be sure to take the time to pray and let the Lord know how thankful that I am and I know that He will help me through.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Puppy, Pool, and a Birthday

Well we have been busy as usual. We recently got a new puppy her name is Lola and she is about 8 weeks old. She is a really good puppy and I am glad that we got her. Also we got the pool up and going here at the house we are in now. It needed a new liner and between Sondra, Johnny and I we got that done and have been enjoying the pool. The only thing is that now the weather is in the 70's. The week before we opened the pool it was in the 90's go figure. I also had a birthday. I turned 29 on Sunday and my Dad had a sign put in my yard. He has been teasing me about being 29 and holding. I will attach pictures of the puppy and the sign and hopefully the next time we go out to the pool I will remember my camera and I will put on some pics of that. I wish I had done a before and after but I guess I didn't think about it until after the fact. Well I hope everyone is well and I look forward to reading all of your blogs.