Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a beautiful holiday!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Big Buck!

OK ladies I know that you all may not be into the deer hunting thing but my husband shot an 11 point buck yesterday and I was really excited for him. He was also really excited too and he asked me if I was going to post about it so I am. Yesterday morning I was awaken out a peaceful sleep by the phone and it was Johnny calling to say that he had just shot a huge deer. I thought he was kidding and then I heard Bro. Jimmy (Sis. Leah's husband) in the back ground saying "He really did" so I got all excited for him and he didn't have a camera so I got up and got me and the girls ready and Sis. Sondra and I headed down to where they were to check out the deer and take some pictures before they took it to have it processed. So here is my favorite. (This is my favorite because Johnny in smiling and that is a surprise because he hardly ever smiles for pictures.)

Now I do have some funny pictures of the guys trying to load this deer in the back of Bro. Jimmy's SUV because they didn't have what they needed to strap it to the rack on the car but I will not subject you all to that.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Boring is Good......Sometimes

Well not a whole lot has been going on around here lately which I guess is good because boring in good sometimes. I will share an experience that I had the other day though. We do not have screens in our windows and we haven't found the ones to fit our windows so we have been using those slider screens. So the other day I went into my bed room and tied the curtain back and went to open the window and just about had a heart attack when I looked down and there was a preying mantis on the window seal. If it was a baby that would not have been so bad but this thing was huge. It was almost as long as my hand. I was a big baby and I called my husband and I really wanted him to offer to come home and get it out of the house but instead he told me how to get rid of it with out touching it which was still a little scary for me. But I did take a picture of it before pushing it out the window so here it is.

I am not usually scared of bugs but this one really freaked me out!! That is the most excitement that we have really had around here so there really isn't much to post about. I hope that everyone who reads this is well and keep the posts coming because it is really encouraging to hear form everyone.