Monday, January 19, 2009

Just Sharing A Little

Things are still pretty busy around here. We did get the water heater in finally at the other house and we have hot water now which is great. There is a story behind it though the water heater that one of our brothers gave us didn't work because it leaked (we were still thankful for his heart). We went and bought a new one and got it all hooked up and it was doing fine but later on that night we went back by the house to check it out and make sure there were no leaks and such and when we pulled up we could see down the side of the house and it looked really wet. Johnny ran inside and sure enough a pipe had busted and the house was flooded! It flooded the utility room, the kitchen and the master bedroom so we did what we could to get it cleaned up and called the insurance company and thank God it is all covered. So now we are in the process of picking out new flooring and for those three rooms and when all the work is finished we plan on moving in. We are hoping to move in the next few weeks.

Today I got a really surprising phone call. My cousin called me today and was asking me about church and said that he was wanting to get him and his family into church. Now none of my family are in the church and I was just thrilled that he called and is showing interest. I would like prayer about this if you think of it because he has had a pretty rough life and says that he has gotten his life straightened up and wants to make some changes. He says that he knows that God has helped him and he wants to do something for God. It seems like he is searching and I really hope that he can come to know the Lord.

Well I guess that is all that I have to share for now. I hope that anyone who reads this is well and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We have has so many blessing lately that I need to share them. We are moving as you all know and we need a hot water heater for the house because the old one is cracked, so last night my husband was at Men's Meeting at church and a brother told him that he has one that we could have. We feel so blessed in this because water heaters are very expensive. The one that he is giving us is smaller than we are used to but I am sure that with the help of the Lord we can make some adjustmens so that it will work out. Also a few weeks ago some brethren sent us a check out of the blue we were really shocked and when my husband asked the brother about it he said that he felt like the Lord put it on his heart to send it to us. We have been able to do alot of work on the house and not feel so stressed about money. We are so thankful to the Lord and the brethren for their love. Also I am very thankful how God has answered prayer so fast because Jada has done so much better with school this week. Monday she did cry but as soon as she sat down with the other kids in class she was fine and today she didn't cry at all and the other mothers even commented that she had a smile on her face when she walked through the door at school. God is so good and I just wanted to share what he has done for us in the past few days.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Schoolcrafts Happenings

Well I haven't been able to post for a while but we have been so so busy. We have had Jada's birthday party and then Christmas and we are preparing to move. We are moving into the house that Johnny grew up in and we have been painting a getting things ready over there. We finished the painting on New Years Day and then the next day we went to Kentucky for the weekend. So things have been a little crazy around here. We did have a beautiful Christmas though I think that it is one of the best that we have had in years and for that I am thankful to the Lord. New Years we really didn't do anything me and Sondra and Frankie all sat on the couch and watched the ball drop and just visited because Johnny went to bed early and we were the only ones that were still here. Bro Jimmy had to work early so they had to leave and that just left us. Our trip to Kentucky was great we were able to visit with the brethren there and be in meeting with them this morning and that was nice. Bro. Marvin from down there needs prayer he hurt his back on Friday before we got there and has been in terrible pain and also Bro. Brad has been having some bad spells and he needs prayer too.

That is really all for now we are going to start packing soon and tomorrow Jada goes back to preschool so she will need prayer she is still not wanting to go but Johnny and I sat down and talked with her tonight and she seems to be some better about it so we will see. I hope that every one is well and I look forward to reading all the blogs.