Sunday, June 29, 2008


My wonderful husband fixed the problem we were having getting our pictures off of the camera so I am going to try to put up some pictures that I have been wanting to share and some new ones that we took today of the girls.

These are some pictures of the flood waters that I posted about a couple weeks ago. These pictures were taken from the car while I was driving down 65 South.

These are some pictures that we took last weekend when we took the girls fishing and to the park. I left my camera in the car when we were fishing and Jada caught her first fish it was a cat fish and she tells a really good story about it. JoHannah conquered the slide by herself and she was really excited about that!

And these are just a few pictures that we took today in my dads back yard. JoHannah was not very cooperative she wouldn't pose at all for us she still need some practice.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Date Night!

Well tonight my wonderful husband took me out to dinner for my birthday (which is tomorrow I will be 28). We had a great time he took me to a restaurant that i have been wanting for a long time. It is really out of the way for us to go to but he took me anyhow and I really enjoyed myself. And then we went shopping and I spent some of my birthday money that I got from my Dad. I was really excited I got 2 pair of shoes and 2 shirts and a pair of capris. I really got a good deal on my shoes because Kohl's was having 55-60 percent off of their sandals and I got some really cute shoes!!! Tomorrow we are having a cookout out at the church and I am really looking forward to spending some time with the brethren since I have been stuck at home so much lately. The cookout/singing just so happened to fall on my birthday and I couldn't think of anything better to do on my birthday.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


OK most of the time I feel pretty good about the cleanliness of my house but this past week I have only been doing the necessities. I feel a little burnt out for some reason. Maybe it has to do with being sick all week last week and being stuck in the house. I really don't know. But anyway I need to get it in gear and get some thing done. I need a huge boost of energy or something. I am thinking that I need to rearrange the furniture or something. I heard years ago if you feel like you need a vacation rearrange your furniture and you will feel better so that will be my goal and maybe that will give me the boost I need. I guess we will see...............

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Well it is Wednesday night and church here is getting started and I am sitting at home reading blogs. Well yesterday I thought I was getting over this sickness and I really thought today would be a better day. Well it is better in some areas but this morning I woke up with pink eye so I am missing church again. :( I don't want to pass this around so I thought it would be best if I stayed home so here I am. I am hoping to be doing alot better tomorrow so I can get out of this house!!!!!! I have been trying to get things caught up from being sick but my energy level is not back up yet. I had planned to go to the library today to check out the summer reading programs they have here for the kids. (Sis. Lori inspired me) However I didn't make it so maybe another day. I want to take them to story time but they are different ages and I don't know how that works out here. They both love books, and to be read to. They are in this program called Success by 6 where they each get a free book a month until they are 6 years old. It is a really good program they get really nice hard back books. Well any how I am rambling now so I will sign off and I hope everyone has had a good Wednesday!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today I am very thankful! I have been sick since Saturday I am pretty sure I have had strep throat. It has not been fun at all. I missed church on Sunday and have just felt awful. Well today I am feeling much better (Praise God). I am not 100 percent but better. I wasn't able to do anything for my Dad or my husband on Father's Day and I was really bummed out about that but they both were very understanding. I am thankful for all the Sisters that called and checked on me and I know some were praying. I am also thankful for my husband, he came home from work early yesterday and allowed me to rest and he brought me chicken noodle soup. He is a great husband and father. I felt bad because he had to leave early but I am thankful that he was able and willing. Now I just have to play catch up on laundry and house work. So hopefully I will have things back in order in a couple of days. For Fathers Day I was going to make my dad lasagna so I will be trying to get that done this week too. I am thankful for my Dad. He has been a good Dad he pretty much raised me and my brother by himself. I am also thankful for the father of my children and how he takes care of us and tries to be a good servant to the Lord.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Prayer Request

Bro. Stubby needs our prayers. I will not get into all that is wrong but he is in alot of pain and needs the Mercy of God! Thanks!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Sisters!

We have some new blogging sisters. Sis. Frankie aka Momma Lou has started a blog she is my Mom by law and also a good friend. Also Sis. Leah she is my sister by law and also a good friend, she is married to my husbands brother. They are really excited to be blogging and I know they would love to hear from all you sisters out there. Us that are blogging talk about all the sisters we have met on here and I am glad they will get to know everyone too!

Monday, June 9, 2008


We are having really crazy weather her right now. Over the week end we had a ton of rain!! I was going to post some pictures that Sis. Sondra took on my camera while I was driving on Saturday morning but I can't get them to download off the camera so maybe when Johnny gets home I will be able to. But anyway in some parts of Indiana not to far from us they got around 11 inches of rain. There is devastating floods here. We were trying to go to southern Indiana on Saturday morning for a graduation party and we turned around and came back home because the water was so high on both sides of the highway that we were sure that it was going to flood and we would be stuck down south so we came back home. And sure enough about 2 hours later they closed the highway. We were both praying before we left and when we got to a certain point we were both feeling uneasy so we came back home. Also another blessing is that the road just past our church building was flooded yesterday and all the yards around us but our church lot was completely water free and we were able to have church. There are brethren here that need prayer form other assembly's because they are in the counties that were hit the hardest. But as far as I know everyone is doing OK. Praise God!!! We are expecting more storms tonight and hopefully they won't be bad and add the the flooding problems.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Catching Up

Well I haven't posted all week and I first want to start by saying that last weekend was wonderful. We had brethren in our home over night and the anniversary party turned out beautiful and we were very thankful. We were also able to go celebrate a graduation with brethren and that was nice too. I haven't posted before now because I have not had a great week and didn't want to find myself complaining. I haven't felt well and I have kind of let it get me down. Today is a little better and I know that it is just the mercy of the Lord and I am very thankful for that. I hope everyone is well and has a great weekend.